Chatting Up A Storm: 15 Must-Try Texting Games With Your Beau

Couple texting

In today’s fast-paced world, many of our interactions, from friendly banter to flirtatious teases, take place behind screens. It’s no wonder that playing texting games has become a delightful way to bond. Dive deep into someone’s psyche, or just have a laugh – all without having to be in the same postcode. Brilliant for those in long-distance relationships or just keen to spice up their texting routine, these games are a fantastic distraction. Whether it’s a potential beau or a long-distance partner, here’s a fab list of texting games to bring a smile to both your faces.

Top Texting Games For Your Textual Amusement

Reversed Writing

Fancy a challenge? Try the game of reversed writing. Not only is it an engaging game, but it also adds a hint of mischief to your conversation. The drill is simple: write your message in reverse, and your partner replies in kind. Here’s a quick demo:

“Od uoy tnaw ot gnah tuo?”

“Erus, tnaw ot hctaw a eivom?”

(Translation: “Do you want to hang out?” “Sure, want to watch a movie?”)

Kiss, Marry, Kill

A timeless classic! Pop the question and discover which celebrity your fella would smooch, wed or, erm, otherwise. Perhaps it’s Kim K, Britney Spears, or Lady Gaga? Just a wee note: keep the options fictional. No real-life acquaintances, please. We’re aiming for giggles, not drama.

20 Questions

Flex those grey cells! One thinks of an object, person, or place, and the other has 20 questions to deduce the answer. However, answers can only be ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Not only is it a riot, but it’s also a sly way to showcase your wit and win his admiration.

Would You Rather

Ever fancied diving deep into your beau’s psyche? This game lets you do just that. Pitch two scenarios, no matter how ludicrous, and see which he’d opt for. “Would you rather wear socks with sandals or go on a date in pyjamas?” Expect giggles and revelations!

Build A Story

Who said you need to be in the same room to co-write a tale? Kick off a story with a sentence, let him chip in with the next, and keep the plot thickening. For added fun, launch a swoony romantic tale and spot if he adds a dash of Romeo to it!


A game that teases the brain and tickles the funny bone! Send him an acronym and challenge him to decode it. If you’re feeling cheeky, serve him a curveball he wouldn’t see coming, especially from a sweet soul like you!

Meme Wars

When words fail, memes speak! Decide on a quirky theme and swap the most rib-tickling memes you can find. From school to shopping mishaps, unleash the meme lord within and prepare for fits of laughter.

Guess The Lyrics

For the music aficionados, drop him lines from a song and see if he can identify it. Throw in a mix of timeless classics and the latest hits. Jamming over text? Absolutely!

Truth Or Dare – The Digital Edition

A timeless classic with a digital twist! Go ahead, dare each other, but remember, pics or it didn’t happen! But keep it light and playful – you don’t want any virtual foot-in-mouth moments. If he’s a bit on the reserved side, maybe bookmark this for later.

What If?

A classic game of hypotheticals, ‘What If?’ sparks imagination. Toss a scenario into the chat and see how he’d react. It’s not about scoring points but seeing each other’s quirky side. “What if you could time travel; where and when would you go?” The possibilities are endless!

Emoji Mysteries

In the age of emojis, let’s create our own language! String together a series of emojis and challenge him to decipher the hidden message. For added zest, try conversing solely using emojis for an hour!

Rhyme Time

Jazz up your texts with a bit of poetry. Start with a word or line and let him continue with something that rhymes. Take turns and watch a poetic masterpiece unfold, or simply have a laugh at the whimsical concoctions!

Wordplay: The Breakdown

A delightful way to challenge each other’s vocabulary. Choose a word, dissect it, and form as many new words as you can from its letters. Set a timer for a dash of competition and see who’s the true wordsmith!

Blank Spaces

This cheeky game can lead to many revelations! Start with a sentence, leaving a blank, and let him guess. “When I think of a perfect date, I imagine ____.” You’ll be amazed at his answers, and it’s a splendid way to get to know each other’s preferences.

Guess My Spot

One describes a place without naming it, while the other has to guess. The clues can be abstract or straightforward. “I’m surrounded by books, and there’s a hush all around.” Dive deep into imagination and explore each other’s world through texts.

Revitalise Your Digital Conversations with These Fun Text Games!

In an era dominated by screens, staying engaged and entertained in our virtual conversations is paramount. Thankfully, our list of texting games serves as a delightful remedy to routine chats. Whether you’re rediscovering old friendships, keeping a long-distance relationship alive, or simply spicing up your daily texting rituals, these games can provide the needed zing.

However, it’s essential to remember the golden rule: it’s all in good fun. It’s crucial to gauge the mood and be sensitive to the other person’s feelings. If you sense any discomfort, take a step back and switch gears.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Fancy some flirty fun over text?

The games we’ve shared can easily be given a flirty twist. It’s less about the game and more about the tone, innuendos, and the playful banter between the two of you.

  1. Keen on emerging victorious in texting games?

While these games are designed for fun, if you’re in a competitive spirit, stay sharp-witted, pay attention, and maybe sprinkle a bit of flirtation to distract your partner. But remember, the real win is the fun you both have.

  1. Curious about texting games with unknown companions?

Indeed, various platforms allow you to chat and game with strangers. While this can be an exciting way to meet new people, always prioritise safety and avoid sharing personal details.

  1. Thinking of turning your dating app chat into a gaming zone?

Absolutely! Introducing games on a dating platform can be a fun ice-breaker. Plus, it’s a unique way to start a conversation and gauge compatibility.

  1. Worried your crush doesn’t share your gaming enthusiasm?

Fear not! The world of texting games is vast. If one doesn’t strike a chord, there’s always another to try. Or, simply find another friend to indulge in these games with.

  1. Ready to kickstart a game with your crush but unsure how?

Begin casually. Drop them a text saying something like, “Fancy a quick game to break the routine?” or “Ever played [game name]? Fancy giving it a try with me?”

Remember, the essence lies in enjoying the moment and building connections. So, game on and let the digital fun commence! 

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